Since the early 1990's, Joe has experimented with Charging Up water with Direct Current. Most of his divinely inspired experiments have been published without his permission on the web. These publications ONLY relate to his TubeCells and evidence effects on Internal Combustion Engines as their sole use. Nothing could be further from the truth about Joe's discoveries. For the experimenter to understand how this is done, a new understanding of the Atomic Structure is required. Joe does NOT do electrolysis.

Joe works on the properties of Water that are best described as 'memories' and 'frequencies' and the experimental results challenge the foundations of physics, chemistry and science and Up-dates A

You then open up a plethora of new ideas and inventions, for the JoeCell has many applications and no field of human endeavour is exempt from this game changing technology.

Health, healing, water purification and energy production but to name a few.

We explore how Joe's Water plus 'electricity' experiments and his use of magnets to duplicate 'electrical' phenomena, relates to what Tesla, Keely and Walter Russell published and understood as Energy being Vibrational Frequencies.

We also take a fresh look at the historical and ancient technology that the Archaeologists and particle science Physicists never understood and relate this back the Magnetic Field science experiments that is revealed herein.

We hope you too will conclude, like everyone else after making the trek to personally view these discoveries, that water is a Liquid Crystal of Light.


to the only official website of JOE and his CELLS.
ALL other references to JoeCells on absolutely every site on the internet are nothing but dis-info and imaginative inaccurate explanations of Joe's water experiments.

We start with the

Nature of 'electricity'

and just what it is that Joe is applying to his Cells. We do this from Tesla?s perspective and what he termed ?Pressure? (as compression and expansion Russell) in the wires we call 'electricity' that alters and changes the Magnetic Resonant Field Patterns of all 'physical objects' it 'touches'.

We draw upon Thales who said "Everything is Water" and "Life is in Everything". Hermes Trismegistus and his First Law that the Universe is Mental. Aristotle and his Quintessence or Fifth Element as an Energy Grid that the 4 'Elements' move or rest upon. Newton's Opposite and Equal Reaction for all Energy. Keely and his Neutral Centre that is inherent in all physical objects. Walter Russell's thesis where

Compression and Expansion are his only 2 forces in the Universe that we express in Terms of North and South Pole or Negative and Positive "Direct Magnetic Current".

This makes it easy for the inquisitive mind to understand these Terms from past and recent, historical great thinkers.

A fresh look, from an Alchemical Perspective at the 2000 year old Baghdad Batteries and the Vacuum Cells at the Dendra Temple in Abydos. We explore this Aetheric Energy as the 'Gods own Breath' and how Keely's Neutral Centre is the 'point' attachment to the Aether and literally  embodies; Tesla's Multi-phased "Rotating Magnetic Fields Discovery". The ONLY known Mechanism until the JoeCell, for manifesting this Aetheric Energy from a Neutral Centre, in the JoeCell TubeCell Field Antenna design that Joe calls..... "EQUILIBRIUM".

One MUST invoke
Aetheric Energy from a UNIFIED FIELD to Transmute the Elements.

We present new evidence for Alchemists to re-think what is referred to when we update the translation of:

The Four Elemental States of Matter as Earth (solid) Water (liquid) Wind (air) and Fire as heat, electricity and flame. Everything that starts a fire, is Fire.

The JoeCell TubeCell represents the Alchemy of applying Fire to Water, where Fire as 'electricity', can be applied as a Mono Pole Frequency as one of its

4 Stages or PHASES of Magnetic Current.

We show theory and experiments where


This is not particle science, nor is it the twilight zone.
This is...

Tesla's Science where: Magnetic Water is Energy, Frequency and Vibration.



Where Water has MEMORY, BIO-ELECTRICAL ENERGY and MAGNETIC Resonant Field Patterns, (MRF patterns) that we see in Nature as frozen FIELD PATTERNS of WATER. Emoto's WATER CRYSTAL Science explained by...

Magnetic Water as a Field Science.

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