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Electricity as Tesla Saw it.

This website came about from a conscious effort of he who seeks shall find. It is essentially a composite of many articles I posted on forums to explain the Mysteries of adding Fire to Water in Alchemical terms. Others have called it ‘electrolysis’ but Joe uses more than just 2 electrodes, so its ‘different’ and only by experimentation will one see this difference. This is for those with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear, these hidden pearls of Olde.

It is essentially a re-writing of all our science and physics theories and presents JoeCell experiments to assert this change of belief. The Universe is built from ‘organic’ Cells. (Life is in Everything) Understanding any ‘one’ Cell, gives a whole new meaning to all the others. We take Poetic License where the inverted triangle is the symbol for Water (The Great Mystery) where Democritus said it was an indivisible “Atom”. Implying that the 2D Triangular shape representation actually meant 3D Crystal by being inverted. The Water Crystal or Tetrahedron crystal in hieroglyphics. Comprising of 6 Light “Bars” or structures to be Democritus’s Atom. The smallest Geometric shape or an ‘Atom’ or a CELL that fills all “spaces” and are each complete with a Neutral Centre (Life is in everything) is the Tetrahedron. If it vibrates, it forms a Rotating Magnetic Field and is ALIVE. The larger or conglomerate Cells we can call “microbes” and on it goes. Everything is made of ‘single’ Cells operating or Resonating in unison. (This is explained next as Tesla’s Greatest Discovery)

We take this new concept of the “atom” inspired by Democritus, as the core of this Field Science. Given 6 bar magnets will always have at each corner, in a tetrahedron structure, unequal forces. These unequal forces is the source or mechanism for motion or vibration as vibrational ‘current’ energy that is generated by these vibrating Tetrahedron Light Crystals. These vibrations can be MANitulated with another magnet or stored ‘energy’ from a Baghdad Battery or similar. The only way to fill an empty space is with a Tetrahedron (or cube) crystal shape. The sum Total of Unequal forces Unifies the Universe with Harmonic Frequencies. It forms stable shapes like rocks to birds to suns, each with their own unique Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern. The product of these interacting MRF patterns we deem to be “electricity as a flow of electrons”

The Baghdad Batteries’ ‘metallurgy’ from an Alchemists point of view, gives a new meaning to the Magic that the Biblical Magi of Persia preformed with a flow of Direct Magnetic Current upon metals and as a form of Human Battery “Charge Ups” and ‘terminal point activation’ for natural healing. Elixirs for Life are made with Batteries where the “current” reflects the Alchemy of the components.

In the rediscovering of what the ancients and magi-healers already knew in the past, I owe a lot to Joe. His Gifts of knowing all things and a knack of creating an experimental Cell, to leave you in no doubt, you have witnessed something really not of this earth. More Heavenly some would say. Joe is an equal with Tesla. There are others that have been as influential to this resurfacing of tech from the past. But it was Joe’s driving inspiration that lead me to assemble this knowledge and present it as…

The Energy of our Universe
is in the Frequencies of Vibrating Light Crystals

We shall start with Tesla and the Infinity Loop of Life.

Rotating Magnetic Fields

This is Tesla’s greatest ‘understanding’ and undoubtedly his greatest contribution to ‘Energy’ Science. It has just been misplaced all these years. Tesla considered it his greatest discovery. Yet what he said is near incomprehensible for those educated in modern ‘theories’. What Tesla considered his greatest discovery is hidden in plain sight.

Rotating magnetic fields were dear to my heart. When I made the discovery of the rotating Magnetic field, I was a very young man. The revelation came after years of concentrated thought and it was my first great thrill. It was not only a valuable discovery capable of extensive practical applications."

It was a REVELATION OF NEW FORCES AND NEW PHENOMENA unknown to science before.

“No”, Dr. Tesla said with some feelings, “I would not give my rotating field discovery for a thousand inventions, however valuable, designed merely as mechanical contraption to deceive the eye and ear!” Then saying: “A thousand years hence, the telephone and the motion picture camera may be obsolete, but the principle of the rotating magnetic field will remain a vital, living thing for all time to come.” – said Nikola Tesla, the genius who finished a new patent every 20 days his entire adult life.

Tesla also said.

“The man’s heartbeats are part of the symphony on the Earth”.

Man’s body is a perfect machine. I know my circuit and what’s good for him. Food what nearly all people eat, to me it is harmful and dangerous.”

What Tesla said in plain English.

No ‘invention’ compares to the Principle of Rotating Magnetic Fields. It is as enduring as the rotation of the Earth. It is VITAL for all living things for all of existence for all time.

I have withheld this Secret of Rotating magnetic Fields from those without eyes and ears and masked it as a mechanical contraption.

The rotating magnetic contraption is also known as a 2 Phase Motor/Generator from the Wardenclyffe Tower site. All images are used under the fair use for education


Yet here we are, playing with ‘electrons’ and spinning magnetic mechanical contraptions, trying to comprehend, what it is Tesla said when he withheld his Greatest Discovery and Invention from Mankind. The Infinity Loop™ of Life as Rotating Magnetic Fields. If according to Tesla, Russellian science was a 1000 years ahead of its time, this discovery was also beyond 20th Century understandings. Someone wanted everything of Tesla’s buried along with Medical Electricity.

Rotating Magnetic Fields are found everywhere in nature. A simple bar magnet’s Iron Filings shows this Field in a 2D format. It is present and Vital to everything and can be SEEN by those Gifted in this Second Sight as the Human Auric Field. They are found in the Winds of the atmosphere, flowing Waters, to living organisms as either a single Cell to a tree, to even the earth itself. To stir coffee counter clockwise creates a rotating North Pole dominant magnetic Field. The Magic of Rotating Water in a Natural Vortex, Schauberger would have thought. When we can really see ourselves and look in the mirror, one will see that we too, are TWO Rotating Magnetic Fields in One. This is for those with eyes to See auras and ears to hear the music of the spheres. This is how Tesla SEEN it. Joe Sees the “Fire” around the North Pole as ‘greater’ than around the South Pole. We 3rd eye blind people see it as the ‘electrons’ flowing from the North to the South Pole in electricity.

In this simple representation of how to make a permanent magnet and its resultant orientation as per Direct Magnetic Current ‘pressure’. We see the FIELDS going through the centre of the magnet indicated by the ‘blue arrows’, to make a figure “8” Infinity Loop™ about the now newly magnetized Field as seen when iron filings are used. This Infinity Field Loop is always there in its ambient state and when Charged Up™ with DC, it shows more impressively the Implosion Pressure and Explosion Pressure as the only two forces that are vital for all life for all of existence”. Tesla might say.

When we play with the 2 Poles of a magnet or the 2 Poles on a Battery, we are playing with these compression and expansion forces. (Implosion Explosion) Its 'easier' to understand it this way, particularly as we use battery electricity and permanent magnets to create these effects.

What we believe to be true is actually a fabrication based upon incomplete studies of Natural Sciences. We design and manufacture using theorized particles or marbles to describe and duplicate nature’s implosive and explosive phenomena. Tesla, who said that energy is frequency with vibrations (not spin) did re-invent the God like, vital Life sustaining energy from Rotating Magnetic Fields he called ‘Radiant’ or “Scalar or Non Hertzian” energy.

It has been replicated by others since and before Tesla, who also rediscovered the unlimited, object “animating energy” source that is VITAL for all living things, for all of existence, for all time. The Aether as Tesla called it and it can come from a mechanical contraption if it has rotating magnets and Fields. This is what makes one Alive with Bio Life Force and a thinking being. It makes things RADIANT.

To understand Teslas words we lay bare some of the false logic theories that academia holds as immutable facts. To understand ‘electricity’, it is necessary to understand its EFFECTS that are in “plain sight”. Implying Tesla knew what you could and couldn’t see.

We Humans are...... TWO Rotating Magnetic Fields in One as a Unified Field.

In this 5 min Video https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-mysterious-human-heart

We see Rudolf Steiner thought of the Heart differently to those who would cut it out and install a mechanical pump as advancements in modern Physics. The Heart is like a Vortex machine that can be unravelled as a very clever design in its figure 8 circulatory patterns, where these vortices that begin at the heart, create in humans TWO Infinity Loops™ (Joe’s words) with circulating blood.

Stimulating the Figure 8 Fibrous Heart muscle, could be likened to the muscle strands being wires making a coil in an Infinity Loop patterned coil, stimulated by Direct Magnetic Current from the Dipole Battery we call a brain. An “electrical Infinity Loop™” or Virtual Infinity Loop™ energised 60 times a minute at rest. Another Infinity Loop inside our physical body having already an existing Infinity Loop as a Lump of ‘clay’. Each heart beat creates momentarily, another Neutral Centre infinity loop. This Pulse of bio electricity creates for a split second a connection to the Aether. A surge of Radiant energy ‘electrifies’ the Blood and the Natural rotation of magnetic Fields take over for us to SEE a flow of magnetic, iron (haemoglobin) Cells into the arteries. It is self sustaining as long as the brains electrical system functions correctly and is not shocked by vibrations from an Alternating Current source. Shorting out our battery so to speak.

This spark action on the hearts blood flow can be likened to a skate board that a rider kicks along by a foot. Each kick down loads Radiant energy from the Aether. Electrifying the blood for a split second ‘polarizes’ the blood causing push in the arteries full of Charged Particles freshly Charged Up™ by the Lungs. The same can be said for 50 Hertz of magnetic kicks in a 2 Phase motor wired as an Infinity Loop of electricity within the Stator rather than being ‘bridged off’.

If only they knew what the significance of the red blood cells being an “Iron jelly” donut where this “iron gel” takes the classical Infinity Loop pattern or the Toroidal shape of all (rotating) Magnetic Fields. What is ‘blood’ exactly that’s VITAL to this ‘infinity loop’? If not a liquid organic, inherently magnetic Iron, with a jelly like consistency OR as millions of tiny magnets, rechargeable through Inductance. Pollock no science, doesn’t see Fire as the 4th Elemental State or Magnetic Phase of Water. There is no ‘mechanism’ for sunlight to “structure” Waters in the blood steam. Nor the importance of magnetic iron. They are just tiny balloons discharging Wind to where ever it is needed as the indoctrination mantra goes. Are they not Science Priests and supposed to question everything and take nothing for granted. The Magnetic Charge is in the Water not the Iron says Gerry. Look I can make it in the Lab with Magnetic Current and not needing to know what it is either. This is a similar doctrine to ‘I came from combining marbles in a primordial Soup’. Lack of Spatial Awareness or Primitive thinking.

The NASA artists and their image ‘impressionists’, are critiqued by the EU at thunderbolts.(dis)info whom also have elevated Gerry Pollock to their Team. His ‘theory’, if you can call it that, says water can have a State within a State, where this ‘plasma’ state is found within the 3rd state or Liquid water (One would think steam is the 3rd state) as ‘structured’ water being the presumed 4th state for the anomalies in an experiment utilizing water and a battery. Gerry makes it with Battery Direct Current (DC) and knows it is electrons in the wires from the Battery. Gerry then goes on to make the claim that this 4th state pushes Blood around the body, where the blood/water is “fuelled by the infrared energy from the environment”, as water in our body ‘becomes an electrical propulsion system.’ Gerry, being the EU’s Water Expert has claimed this “discovery” of the 4th Phase or “structured” water. Gerry’s water Cell, to make structured water has no magnetics about its “theory” even though DC has been known as ‘magnetic current’ since about forever.

What is actually happening in the blood arteries, are tiny magnets being attracted to a body Cell and Charging it Up and moving to the next one, ahead of those still charging up a Cell. We see the blood sticking or passing slowly next to the wall. This is not the 4th state lining the wall with charged water propelling the inner blood as a stream, but the magnetic blood cells sticking to a body cell outside the artery. Every cell touches a blood vessel in the body. The blood cells will stick to the artery wall while it is charging up an ‘outside’ cell. This restricts the flow at the walls but allows for free flowing in the centre where higher Charged Up cells are being PULLED to a cell thats outside the wall, further down the line that needs Charging Up™. When depleted of charge, the blood cells shrink and no longer stick to the walls and are carried by those still being attracted to outside cells. Muscular action greatly assists the return of the blood to the heart as does the Back Charge, Pull, back to the Heart full of Charged Up blood, completing the Infinity Loop of the Blood flow as an INFINITY Rotating Magnetic Field until the heart no longer receives the ‘spark’ for each heartbeat.

The action of induction by the Lines of Force around any ‘moving’ Magnet Field creates “Eddy Currents” and they can be ‘harvested’ by coils in a mechanical generator contraption. The Toroidal Blood cell is a ‘coil’ or rechargeable ‘battery’ Cell of iron, more like a ‘refillable cup’ and saucer or platelet to some. The Eddy Currents that red blood Cell magnets create in each ‘body’ Cell as it passes by one, is the Field Pattern FREQUENCY of our DNA giving any new Cell, as its forming, the snowflake vibratory MEMORY pattern as its Resonant Magnetic Form. The ‘iron filings’ wave form around a magnetic red blood Cell Is Our DNA Field Pattern and is IMPARTED or INDUCTED to ‘body cells’. This enables the Nutrient rich Water in the blood to STRUCTURE according to the DNA pattern using Bio Electricity from the CNS as the energy used to literally ‘weld’ Water Crystals into New Cellular shapes replacing the old one.

Every cell in our body is a micro JoeCell ‘pattern’ with its spherical concentric regions just like the Earth, all the way to its Neutral Centre core. At the Centre of every cell is a ‘Neutral Centre’ and when combined, all the Neutral Centres, create a single Neutral Centre for the Defined Integrity Field of the Body. When our bare feet touch the earth, we become one with it and Charge Up. Not so with insulating soles. Unless one prefers the donor electron theory and infrared heat and sticky water propulsion.

Adding DC to water was done by Yull Brown whom demonstrated his welding and tungsten vaporizing flame in 1989. It lives on to this day as Browns Gas and they still don’t understand the electricity used to make it. It was Joe in 1992 who invented “Neutral Plates™” as a geometric Antenna between the Active plates in a Cell based upon a numbering system for all of Cellular Life.

This is a different Methodology of Design than a Browns gas like device where Yull’s every plate is ‘electrified’. The Variable connections available with Neutral Plates between the Active ones, creates many more Field Effects than Browns Gas exhibits. Joe calls this process of Field Generation “Charge Up”™. Gerry hasn’t got to this IP yet where rather than his ‘electrolysis’ methodology, we have a Field Generation Device or an Antenna in Water rather than Air. This ‘magnetises’ the water (Structuring it according to the Polarity Bias) that the variable electrode placement allows. This can be likened to, or is nearly identical to, a Copper Field Coil with an iron nail core, to create the magnetic field but using the water rather than a nail. This upgrades the high school ‘electrolysis’ program. Magnetic Water is what a JoeCell creates and with a Variable Polarity Cell™, unheard of before in practical applications of energy, to do ‘work’. We go from spinning iron magnets to flowing magnetic water for energy generation. Water is atomically many tiny Tetrahedron shaped magnets. To Charge them Up is like Charging Up an iron ingot to make an iron magnet.

In claiming “charged water carries the Blood with it” Pollack shows his total lack of the important nature of iron or Haemoglobin in the Blood. ‘It’s an indefinite propulsion system’ is the only thing Gerry has ‘right’ in reference to how the Cardio Vascular system actually functions. Gerry then goes off on a tangent about what Charges Up our body, that being the Earths Magnetic Field without the Mechanism for such to happen. Walking barefoot constitutes a “Battery effect” or ‘electrolysis’ where 2 dis-similar frequencies (feet/ earth, Nickle/Cadmium, Lead/acid) share a medium in close proximity or touch. The Two Way flow or for every action there is an Opposite and Equal reaction sees the Earths “Charge” as the ‘dominant’ or Neg North and Charges Up the Positive Human Bio Field. Opposites attract. How hard was that Gerry, to connect the dots? We must be Positive as we burn the expansionary Oxygen polarity forces, don’t we? Electrons confuse the minds of inventors creating a 4th rate theory.

Trusting this Electric Universe ‘science’ saw one Electric Universe spokesperson, Wal Thornhill, die suddenly in Canberra, where near 98% of the population joined a medical experiment.

Using critical thinking skills to question Science before trusting it, we see that Emoto, essentially showed Mind over matter. All the rest is just words to HIDE this forbidden re-discovery that the Universe is Mental as Hermes Trismegistus First Law clearly states.

Victor Schauberger says water creates Magnetic Vortices. It’s not the Spiral action to structure water, it’s the Magnetic Field created ‘globally’ within and around the spiralling water that restructures or modifies the Charge as a variable Polarity Bias and thus the vibrational rates of the water crystals. Joe calls them Mini Universes™ and the Water changes Magnetic Bias when Vortexed. Joe’s Magnetic In-Line Cell™ requires 4 blades to counter clockwise twist or VORTEX the water as it enters the Mono Pole Fields. Shown here;



Note that twisting the water is one Rotating Magnetic Field which imparts a North Pole Field into the water and the Same Pole™/Neutral Plate™ IP with the ring magnets creating a Mono North Pole Field is TWO SAME POLES TOGETHER as a Rotating Magnetic Field with Negative Bias (water with a CCW twist) interacting with a static Negative Field. (Explained further down under New Concepts)

CCW Spinning water raises its Magnetic Field Energies and energy can be ‘produced’ from Spinning Magnetic Water. The Mechanism for this is where the Magnetic water’s crystal matrix, interacts with the Earths Magnetic Field. Spinning or Vortexing water IS a Rotating Magnetic Field. Moving or flowing water creates the highest magnetic Field in Nature (many vortexes). This is the principle of Dowsing or having a needle like Meter between your Bio Magnetic Field and the Vortexing stream beneath one’s feet.

Knowing the Magnetic Bias of generating higher North Pole energies as a counter-clockwise rotation Sees the water “clean itself up”. South Pole Bias water is ‘dirty’ water. Pristine Spring water at the top of a mountain or dirty oily water underground. It’s a whole new field of research for hydrology and geology to incorporate that all water has a magnetic charge or Bias we call acidic or alkaline and the formation of the very dirt we call Earth being Solid Water Crystals or the Element Earth in any of its varied MRF patterns we call ‘elements’.

Implosion Energies are frequencies imparted with Left Hand Spin water creating a Negative or North Pole Bias water Field. This is a universal constant even if may vary here and or on other worlds. One can ‘tell’ the North Pole of any spinning conglomerate or galaxy by the Left hand spin when looking down on one of the Poles. Earth operates on the Principle of for every action there’s an opposite and equal reaction at or on the other Hemi sphere. Weather Cells are “eddy currents” and are a Law unto themselves with the other planets influencing or acting upon the earths Atmospheric Wind Fields. Rain condenses from the WIND as a result of the Implosion Forces generated in the Winds.

Explosion or expansive energies are when water is spun clockwise or right hand spin. We will explore these ONLY 2 Forces in the Universe known as implosion explosion, Compression Expansion, North and South Poles and also known as the Positive and Negative terminals on a battery. These 2 forces are experimentally shown here by reversing the electrodes on a Field Generating Antenna in water. Seen here https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4

The Alchemy Exposition at San Jose, California August 2018



Barry Carter’s Alchemy of ‘white powder Gold’ or Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements as implied to Gold, as a science theory, to explain energy transformation or matter transmutation by vibrational Field Science lacks any real understandings of the Magnetic Nature of Water, nor any meaningful atomic structure of the precious Earth or Solid Phase of the metals used. Little is offered as to the physical construct of matter or what the Mass Spectrometer vibrations actually 'mean'. It’s electron spin and so orbitally it must be, by rotating to a new pattern. I conclude people are hungry for a new Elixir science.

Real Alchemy, as spoke by Aristotle, Thales, Democritus, Keely, Tesla, Russell, Joe and the Magi who re-discovered the Baghdad Batteries, is the Alchemy of the Magnetic Vibrations of FIRE as Electricity applied to Charge Up™ Water or any State of Earth, Wind or Fire.

Everything is Energy and these unique 'element' vibrations are an objects ‘shape’ as a signature frequency that we See as Magnetic Resonant Field Patterns as Vibrations. Ice crystal patterns that can be Influenced by the Mind of the Alchemist as the Great Work.


The addition of Battery Energy frequencies as Direct Current may ‘change’ or increase, the Frequency rate of the Elemental vibrations within the Water or caustic liquid. We see this change in frequency with ‘waters’ as changing from a 'liquid' to a ‘gas’ in ‘electrolysis’. This ‘change’ or Charging Up™ the water with 'elemental vibrations' has shown to have ‘healing energy’ When done as a Field Effect rather than an ‘electrolysis effect’. Silver being the less expensive way to start the learning process as the ‘elemental frequency’ for the Antenna to Create a DC magnetic Field in and of the Water.

Gerry’s opinion of Gold being transmuted within the blood can be considered as ‘advertising’ for a product like EZ Water. The Double Vortices in the Heart does create the “spark” of Life Gerry hopes it does. Gerry knows not that this Spark is from the Aether as a Non Hertzian energy connection to the Quintessence/Akashic/Heaven. Where ancient Scholars tried to explain this Life Force attachment created by their own vortexing energy Fields to his students. One manifests the Power from Heaven when doing Hands on Healing or the Practice of Tumo.

From the book, The Magic and Mystery in Tibet. David Alexandra-Neel P135-6      The Art of Warming Oneself without Fire up in the Snows

To spend the winter in a cave amidst the snows, at an altitude that varies between 11,000 and 18,000 feet, clad in a thin garment or even naked, and escape freezing, is a somewhat difficult achievement. Yet numbers of Tibetan hermits go safely each year through this ordeal. Their endurance is ascribed to the power which they have acquired to generate tumo.

The word tumo signifies heat, warmth, but is not used in Tibetan language to express ordinary heat or warmth. It is a technical term of mystic terminology, and the effects of that mysterious heat are not confined to warming the anchorites who can produce it.

Tibetan adepts of the secret lore distinguish various kinds of tumo:

  • exoteric tumo, which arises spontaneously in the course of peculiar raptures and, gradually, folds the mystic in the "soft, warm mantle of the gods";
  • esoteric tumo, that keeps the her¬mits comfortable on the snowy hills;
  • mystic tumo, which can only claim a distant and quite figurative connection with the term "warmth," for it is the experience of "para¬disiac bliss" in this world.

In the secret teaching, tumo is also the subtle fire which warms the generative fluid and drives the energy in it, till it runs all over the body along the tiny channels of the tsas.

Regardless of the words and names used, we all live and operate under the same Universal Physics of Creation. Here we attempt to decipher these more religious or mystical terms shared amongst the Initiated as a ‘code’ passed down for 1000’s of years of ‘chinese whispers’. As with all energy manifested either by battery, generator or ‘Bio Organically’… Tumo also has 4 Phases or ‘effects’ on the physical Mass it’s applied to. The one that’s right now animating one’s physical body and the other 3 above can be learned to Manifest if one learns the Art of Mind over Energy and thus Matter. To truly understand Hermes “The Universe is Mental”, we contemplate how other historical Mystics viewed these Energetic Thoughts and Bodily actions.

The Heart with twin rotating Magnetic blood Fields, that CREATE a “Neutral Centre” within the double Infinity Loops, (explained a little further down) giving a never ending or ‘continuous ‘flow’ of ‘Non Hertzian energy from the Aether’, as Tesla referred to it. This is what ALIVE’S the Human Machine with vital Life Force Energy. Death is determined when the Heart stops and just one ‘pump’ can be all that it takes for a little bit of blood movement to restart or reconnect ‘A’ Neutral Centre point to the Body (make it alive again) via the re-animation of this twin rotating magnetic Fields we See as a ‘blood flow’. The “God particle” is a Vital Neutral Centre Point found in all objects for all of eternity. It’s found in the Heart as it’s the Muscle (coiled wires) in a Figure 8, inside the Heart each time its sparked by the brain or a good jolt from a defibrillator.

It could be asked if ‘they know’ the polarity of the ‘chest’ and which side each electrode is pressed onto, before Jump Starting the Human Bio Field’s Multi Phased motor/generator machine. I think not, as the above video can be considered controlled opposition with no explanation of the Bodies Polarity and no mention of its Bio Field. If you don’t talk about it as an ‘expert’, they don’t ask questions either. For Gerry, it’s about electron donors from the environment as to how we maintain health and vitality and the 4th Phase of Water (he structures with DC) to propel the blood around the body using Steiner’s (correct) theory that the Heart is not actually a “pump”. Gerry is imaginative to say the least. But it cant be duplicated in the Lab or he would have a free energy pump when he electrocutes EZ water.

Field Science will permanently magnetize the iron bucket with a JoeCell. Electrolysis oxidizes the minerals in the water that’s in the iron bucket. Walking bare feet sees the Earth Magnetize the Human body like a nail on a magnet. Humans are South Pole Positive Life Forces (as is all life 'on' earth) and are attracted to the North Pole Field 'within' the entire earth. Earth is a North Pole Negative Neutral Centre Planet with the ‘same Layers' or 5 tubes in a JoeCell TubeCell. Making the Atmosphere a Positive Field we harmonize with.

The Heavens are Positive or expansive or ‘oxygen’ side of the 2 gases in electrolysis that classically shows the only 2 Universal Forces. Everything under the surface is Negative or Cold Implosive Fusion or cold blooded. Schauberger said to study nature. These creatures are designed on another Phase of Aetheric ‘Tuma’ or Radiant Energy as it interacts with Life.

To fully understand Bio Electricity, or Nature’s electricity, (before we look at ‘battery’ electricity) we shall begin with a very concise explanation of OUR BODIES Rotating Magnetic Fields and how they ‘work’ in real life. Not the fake chemistry/biology theories of the past.

Redefining Physics from a Magnetic Fields perspective starts with understanding the Mechanism of ‘electricity’ generation from the Baghdad Battery and why Tesla knew this and stated Man’s body is a perfect machine. In the concise terms, the Human Body is an Over Unity Bio Electrical Machine.


The ‘Lungs’ as a Machine… The Alchemy of the Magnetic ‘Wind’ we breathe.

What is this ‘gas’ we call oxygen for those still stuck on “H2O” Conspiracy Mysteries?

Electrolysis tells us in the SIMPLEST of terms, that the Positive electrode produces a vapour that must be present for ‘Fire’, electrolysis corrosion or heat energy ‘release’ and is attracted to, or ‘sinks’ to the earth. We can but conclude that using the South Pole or the Positive Magnetic Vibrational Pressure as a force from a car battery, generates a ‘Wind’ that vibrates with an Elemental Frequency we call ‘oxygen’.

Positive Magnetic Forces gives water vapour the frequency we call ‘Oxygen’. Oxygen is charged with Positively Magnetic Vibrations and a Field Frequency. All it touches will vibrate with this Singular Magnetic Frequency. There is technically a battery effect or an electrolysis effect, where the Wind we breathe meets the mucus on the walls of the lungs, where iron jelly cells pass close by to ‘absorb’ the magnetic energy in this Battery Effect of electricity produced by electrolysis. Similar to the earths vibrations Charging Up the body through the feet. This is transference of Frequency energies as INDUCTION.

This ‘oxygen Field energy’ is available ‘within’ approx. 15% of the Wind we breathe. Oxygen in the Atmosphere is ‘created’ by the ‘vortexing’ within the Winds as the origin or mechanism to transmute evaporated moisture into ‘oxygen’ and ‘nitrogen’. (Everything is Water, said Thales, Aristotle et al) Right hand spin creates positive or oxygen air and Left hand spin creates ‘nitrogen’ air. Hydrogen air cannot ‘exist’ in a Positive Field and is pushed out to space.

Earth is a Petrifying Planet. Without ‘Charge Up’ vibrational energies, the Frequencies of the elemental Vibrations go ‘down the scale’ to solid ‘Earth’. Water within the wood that is buried as in Petrified Forest AZ has nice Quartz crystals at the ‘centre’ of the Log. Transmutation in Nature without South Pole Positive Frequencies.



Each breath of Wind comes into very close proximity with the blood circulating within the Lungs, after circulating around the body. The ‘oxygen air energy’ has higher or at least ‘distinct’ elemental vibrations, than the other 85%. These ‘elemental oxygen frequencies’ or Wind have been Magnetically Charged Up with ‘higher vibrations’ as the result of the ‘Vortex Mechanism’ of Wind swirling within the Earths Magnetic Fields. This magnetically excited air or ‘oxygen’ then Charges Up the Haemoglobin or iron frequencies in red blood Cells in a physics principle that we are familiar with as INDUCTION Motors and Coiled circuitry. Tiny lumps of iron passing by air, that the atomic ‘structure’ is billions of tiny Tetrahedron shaped ‘magnets’ all charged up by the Field Polarity of the Atmosphere, with South Pole Positive Frequencies we call ‘oxygen’. Also made with the South Pole Positive Electrode in electrolysis.

Each breath of Wind comes into very close proximity with the blood circulating within the Lungs, after circulating around the body. The ‘oxygen air energy’ has higher or at least or at least ‘distinct’ elemental vibrations, than the other 85%. These ‘elemental oxygen frequencies’ or Wind have been Magnetically Charged Up with ‘higher vibrations’ as the result of the ‘Vortex Mechanism’ of Wind swirling within the Earths Magnetic Fields. This magnetically excited air or ‘oxygen’ then Charges Up the Haemoglobin or iron Field frequencies in red blood Cells in a physics principle that we are all familiar with as INDUCTION used in Motors and Coiled circuitry. Tiny lumps of iron passing by air, where the atomic ‘structure’ is….. billions of tiny Tetrahedron shaped ‘magnets’ all charged up by the Field Polarity of Atmospheric, with South Pole Positive Frequencies we call ‘oxygen’. Also made with the South Pole Positive Electrode in electrolysis.

The Wind, as atmospheric layers, such as ozone, result from the Earths Magnetic Fields not the ‘weight’ of elemental frequencies or elements. Weight should be thought of as an ‘elements’ attractiveness or repulsive Magnetic Charge Bias relative to the Earths Magnetic Field Charge.

A Strong single Frequency gas like ‘hydrogen’ made with a Single Negative Pole, will repel from the relative ‘weak’ North Pole Earth. Hydrogen is a gas made from water and can only be considered a Negatively charged, water vapor in Alchemical Terms. The rest is a Theory of what the “Floatyness” means.

Therein lays the clue to anti-gravity. Our ‘science’ is based upon South Pole Heat Fusion energy or Expansive Forces as we ‘determine’ or assume, Fire can only come in the presence of ‘oxygen’. North Pole Implosion or Cold Compression forces are actually a subject one gets cancelled over for researching. To publish on cold fusion is to be damned or banned at the LENR.com forum.

‘Hydrogen’ fuel Cells are the beginning of cold fusion technology. They just need to use Field Science to ‘create it’ from or IN water, rather than electrolysis science to ‘split it’. The JoeCell creates the North Pole implosion energies as ONE of the Four “Field Bias” settings or stages or PHASES of a Magnetic Field, generated in Water.

The action of Sun Light Vibrations, contribute to this Mechanism of Wind Vortexing as does the other 8 Planets’ Magnetic Fields that interact with the Earths Fields to create our ‘weather’ patterns as ‘eddy currents’ on earth. Sunlight’s actions on air or Wind, creates a new vibrational signature as it ‘heats up’ or as we call it “Charges Up” or raises O2’s vibrations to O3 or ozone as a product of sunlight and the atmosphere of earth. A natural ‘hypercharging’ or ‘enrichment’ it is called when using DC current on heavy metals.

The higher Magnetic South Pole Positive Charge of the ‘oxygen’, the more easily it Magnetizes or Charges Up the ‘iron’ in our iron Jelly Haemoglobin. We see this at ‘altitude’ and difficulty breating and a nail on a magnet. So too does the red blood Cells become more Magnetic by induction with stronger magnetic South Pole oxygen vibrational frequencies.

It is an error of omission to leave out the role of Magnetism in the creation or the duplication in the Lab, of ‘oxygen’ energy, or that there would be no ‘residual’ South Pole Magnetism in the oxygen VAPOR made by electrolysis. In Baghdad Battery Alchemy Terms, ‘oxygen’ represents the Expansive Force of the ‘Water Atom’.

Once the ‘oxygen charge’ is imparted by induction, to the red blood Cells, the Frequency of the Wind in the lungs, loses Charge energy and now exhibits the ‘carbon dioxide’ frequencies as the Wind changes ‘vibration’ or the ‘elemental frequencies’ change. Caused by the ‘discharge’ or ‘interaction’ with the opposite Field Charge of ‘iron’ being a Negative bias ‘element’ of energy as vibrations. One could say the Pos Wind attracts the red blood cells TO the Lungs. Oxygen and Iron being Pos and Neg respectively ‘charged’, naturally attract each other. As does H and O. When they combine, the energy imparted to Charge them Up (making them from water either in a Lab or in Nature) is released as electricity when combining. This is Lightning when the Winds come ‘together’ and implodes as Rain or ice crystals. You will often see a spark when two magnets ‘violently’ come together. Two opposite ‘charges’ in close proximity is a battery or electrolysis.

The Alchemy of rain Water States; The Wind in a weather Cell, Implodes into near pure water, where the Energy released, is the ‘stored’ energy, as higher vibrations, as ‘electricity’. Just as it takes energy to make water expand to steam, this energy is released as the Wind implodes back to Water. The Cell discharges to either the ground or Sky depending upon Polarity of the Cell. This Discharge changes the Frequency of the Cell (Like Joe using a match to light the implosive bubbles), takes the Cell to the ‘Next Phase’.

For car JoeCell experimenters, Joe tapping the TubeCell twice and imploding the bubbles after each time but leaving it attached the 3rd time makes it a Stage 3 Cell to implode the air in the motor or the 3rd Phase. (yes it was that simple to get Stage 3 Bubbles) The Wind may implode for rain and not generate enough Charge to Discharge as Lightning giving us only the First Phase of Water or just clean Charged water with no ‘extra‘ properties other than general Bio Magnetic Life Enhancement as seen in Plants verses (most) ground waters. To Implode the bubbles from a Phase 4 Charge sees the Wind Implode into Pure Electricity. This IS hazardous to one’s health and the ‘Lightning’ produced can go through one’s hand holding the match like a knife, as it did to Joe.

Nothing from ‘particle science’ separates itself from the surrounding WIND and penetrates the insulating lining of the lungs and magically swims through the plasma and pumps up only the red cells or vice versa exiting as ‘CO2’. We need to look at the Non Physical Phenomena that Tesla pleading with Academia to study for real wisdom, when undertaking breathing lessons and looking in the mirror as to the autonomous nature of heart beats.

The ‘Energy’ Inducted to the IRON from the WIND is known by many names in Ancient teachings as chi or prana or similar. It Charges Up the Blood and thus provides, to every Cell, vibrational energy. Vibrations are what is being ‘transferred’ not ‘elemental oxygen’.

Induction is one Tuning Fork acting upon another Tuning Fork in a sea of tuning forks. If we initiate a spark to happen, it causes all the surrounding tunning forks vibrate with the frequency the spark created and we See the Light. This gives rise to See Through Technology to detect the new vibration of light that just travels through a brick wall equally as ‘well’ as the Wind, as both are all Crystal ‘conglomerates’. Or a Field Of Crystals.

Induction is the Transference of Magnetic Energy via Vibrational Field Energies as an Action on another Vibrational Field Pattern. One tuning fork or Crystal affecting another ad infinitum. There is an Opposite and Equal action like an ‘echo’. Sometimes called Feed Back or Back Charge™.

The “Back Charge”™ as shown in the Inline Desal Video is also known as The Law of Opposite and Equal Reactions to be discussed later expanding the magnetic aspect of this Law.

Our Lungs are a Heat Exchange unit. Heat (and cold) is Magnetic Vibrations we call electricity. Electricity creates Magnets. Magnets create electricity. Electricity creates heat. All based upon the expansive or explosive property of Hot South Pole Fusion. The burning of oxygen with a ‘fuel’ being One of TWO kinds of FIRE. St Elmo’s Fire, Tesla called the cold one where he showed it could ‘burn’ Nitrogen from the Wind to make a fertilizer. Joe made such a flame using the Famous “Fire Extinguisher JoeCell”. I played with this flame in 1996 with Joe.

The Alchemy of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract In mammals as a 'cordless' battery charger.

The human body contains a separate ‘nervous system’ that is so complex it has been dubbed the ‘second brain’ and is around 9 meters long from the oesophagus to the anus. This network of neurons spread throughout two layers of gut tissue within the Gastro Intestinal Tract, (GI) connects only to the brain and is called the Enteric Nervous system or ENS.

Raw energy or ‘food’ is introduced into the Body via this “Neutral Centre Zone” GI so to speak. In Magnetic Water Cells, designed to CHARGE UP and change the Water Memory, we introduce the water (like food in the GI) into this Neutral Centre Zone, where the food energy then disperses into the Field without disrupting the Bio Magnetic Field. The GI Tract’s true ‘function’ requires a closer examination with a new understanding of our Energy Universe, where we see vibrating ‘Light Crystals’(tuning forks) as the New Atomic Construct of matter, where these elemental vibrations constitute the SOURCE of ALL ‘energy’ in our physical Universe.

Our GI Microbiome is symbiotic to our Bio Electric Field. The 3 litre average of Micro-Biotic Cell Life Forms, found in the GI Tract, literally ‘eats’ or decays every single bit of food we eat. Digestive fluids and stomach ‘acids’ only facilitates microbes turning it all into faeces. The product of this ‘digestion’ is to produce Biological Vibrations that we measure as Heat or ‘calories’ or even BTU’s. The microbes breeding and consuming lunch by the billions is a lot of biological heat energy from our internal compost heap. This ‘heat energy’ as vibrations, is inducted or absorbed directly by the ‘antenna’ or ENS within the GI lining and transmitted directly to the brain. This indicates that the Brains Grey matter is a Di-Pole Battery with billions of Cells for ‘storage’ within the ‘brain’, where this “energy’ is then ‘electrically’ distributed as needed, or Directed by Spirit, to the rest of the body via the Central Nervous System or CNS.

This flow in the CNS from the Brain/Battery, operates, builds and repairs the bodies ‘motors’ and muscles with Bio Electricity. It powers the muscles when directed by Spirit stimuli or the desire to walk. This and watery fluids in the blood are the building blocks of Life.

What we get out of the food and water we eat is ‘water’ absorbed into the blood stream with ‘elemental’ frequencies ‘dissolved’ by the ‘action’ of microbes eating or decomposing our lunch. We also get the production of Vibrational Bio Heat Energy that is ‘collected’ by the Enteric Nervous system that is “connected” directly to the brain. The warmth we feel after a meal or bottle of wine on a Park bench on a cold night is the Vibrational increase from highly vibrational water. The lungs work overtime trying to expel the higher vibs in a similar like action to CO2 if one drinks too much wine. One ‘pants’ to detox as to how an Alcohol Breathalyzer works.

The energetic action of microbes digesting food and generating Bio energy, utilizing a God given Bio Antenna to collect this Microbe energy, as vibrational (electrical) heat energy and transmitting it exclusively to charge up our Di-pole Battery, is quite misrepresented by Biologists. The ground breaking IP of Charging Up drinking water with 3 Baghdad battery Cells will enhance this Mechanism of Charging Up a Biological battery with what can only be described as an Elixir for Life. The ultimate immune system booster is to use a car battery and apply this Bio Electric Technology to Organic Life.

Tesla's Greatest Discovery was Bio Electricity and how it FLOWS THROUGH THE BODY as a Multi Phased Generator that created the Bio Field Aura as a Rotrating Magnetic Field. Tesla invented from the Gift of SEEING AURAS.

Tesla built a 2 Phase Motor to replicate this Over Unity aspect where the HeartBeat 'spark' at only one Hertz per second connecting the contraption to the Aether, Tesla created an 'artificial' Neutral Centre 'electrically' as the Aetheric Connection for Non Scalar Energy to manifest 50 times a second to transmit an unknowable energy source around the world to power anything wired up to the frequency of 50 Hertz.


Our Bio-Field is created by Rotating or Circulatory Cardio Vascular systems of Magnetic Blood.

Once the haemoglobin is Charged Up by the oxygen frequencies in the Lungs, these millions of tiny Magnetic red battery Cells are ‘split’ into two circulatory paths. One directly to Charge Up the brain with a disproportionate amount of blood via 2 arteries upwards and the rest around the body, in what can be only be described as, TWO Combined “Infinity Loops” or Rotating Magnetic Fields.

Every Cell in the body touches the vascular system and again by Induction, they ‘release’ their vibrational Charge to a ‘tissue’ Cell. This Induction is all that’s required to Charge Up the Grey Matter Cells like the battery’s they are.

It is a Rotating Magnetic Field created by magnets spinning and tumbling in a figure ‘8’ pattern or Infinity Loop around the body that creates the Human Bio Field. Our Field strength or Health may be determined by the ease of flow and the ‘Charge’ of the Haemoglobin. We determine these two indicators as Blood Pressure, Color and Cell ‘shape’ and their ‘stickiness’ to each other. It is forbidden in some places to do Microscopic Diagnostics on Live Blood. This is a controlled ‘science’ you can trust.


The ‘splitting’ of charged Blood into 2 arteries going to the Brain, creates 2 differing Charges for our Dipole Battery. This is similar to Lord Kelvins “Thunderstorm” creating 2 distinct ‘Charges’ from one body of water. This strengthens body polarity and Terminal Points or nodes in and around the body. A rotating Magnetic Field has a Field Pattern with Poles and Terminals for input and output.

The Right hand palm is our Positive Battery Terminal with the left palm Negative. The Human Body is a Self-Recharging Battery with a set of jumper leads terminating with alligator clamps we call hands and operated by Spirit or Will Power. We are an Over Unity, Aetheric Energy Powered, 2 Phase Generator/motor Machine. Tesla was quite young when this gave him his first thrill of how to design an electrical or mechanical contraption to utilize this principle as a motive force.

With this knowledge, we can use a car battery to connect to the hands and Charge Up the Human Bio Field like a Battery charger does to a car Battery. Other ‘points’ or input terminals, have differing Bio Field actions like Ozone production from every Cell in the body as a new therapeutic Modality for Healing.

Many Penny Arcade machines were invented to Charge Up the Human Body based upon Teslas Vibrational Energy from Frequency. Controlled opposition cults would call these “donor electron machines”. We believe Tesla would have known the correct Polarity of each Handle.

Electricity_is_Life   Electricity_is_Life_2Electricity_only_1_cent_a

Electricity_one_penny Electriciy_treatment

The Tesla Way was to just hold the correct Polarity Electrode in the hands by having a single choice as to which hand one placed upon which handle. This is Basic Human Battery Charging and it has many applications besides just the hands. The Hand Charger seen below as Silver and stainless alligator clips or electrodes, using small ‘lead /acid’ batteries, is only used for maximum of 3 minutes, just a couple times a day. This ‘setup’ can Generate ‘ozone’ naturally in every Cell in the body by activating the correct Body Nodes, in the correct sequence. There are other ways to Charge Up one’s Bio Field as seen here as a 4 Pronged Silver Generator for Magnetic Elixirs to replace particle science colloidal silver and Full Body immersion Antenna Arrays, marketed as the Aquachimachine.com These are Commercially available through this site.

Battery_Silver_Leads DSC02027

We can describe our2 rotating Blood Fields with Muscle motors as 2 separately wired rotating Magnetic Fields interacting with an electrical wiring system or ferrite magnets, is called a 2 phase motor. They can be combined into one frame creating a motor/generator with the addition of Ferrite Magnets.

The 4.5VDC 3 Phase Smart drive motor is a ‘Mechanical’ way to veil a Multi Phased, Aetheric powered, Biological Body Power plant.


The Spirit that operates this Biological Aetheric Over Unity Generator, is itself a ‘spark’ from the Aether that does the thinking to operate the body. As Long as the Heart Motor is ticking over, the spark of our Aetheric Spirit is there to animate the body ‘through’ the connection Point or the Neutral Centre Attachment Point to the Aether Energy Grid or Universal Mind of God or Consciousness. The Mind controls the variable output needed and more if one puts one’s Mind to it in a Mental Universe. Or as the Mystics stated, The Kingdom of God is Within.

Its much easier when Meditating, Breathing, Stilling the Mind, Hands On Healing and Manifesting Tumo to live in an Ice cave, if one knows the Physics and Energy of the Conscious Light Universe we Live in and how the body is operated.

This Multi Phased Motor Generator scenario creates a Neutral Centre attachment Point for Aetheric Energy. ‘We are one’ and Tesla Invented a “Mechanism” contraption to mimic this aspect of Aetheric Bio-Energy production in his Wardenclyffe Tower that ‘broadcast’ Scalar Non Hertzian Aetheric ‘energy’ to every Light Crystal within earth's magnetic Field, with ‘pure flat-line’ Non Hertzian Prima Materia ‘energy’. We can do this too as Thought Waves if this was part of Human Curriculum.

This Neutral Centre that is created by Rotating Magnetic Fields, is the ‘attachment’ to the Universal Consciousness. Our own ‘zero point’ if you prefer. This is the Mechanism by which the human Will operates. Tesla called this Non-Hertzian Scalar energy, Radiant Energy. The Human Body and Life itself, is all about Bio Electric Rotating Magnetic Fields of Radiant Energy.

The figure 8 or Infinity Loop of ‘magnetic’ red blood Cells, is created by the twin Circulating Magnetic Fields within the Body. A more complex version is seen within the Arteries going to the brain. The act of splitting the Flow, splits it into 2 Charges (or phases as there is a frequency difference between the 2) and then recombining in close proximity is like an opposite and equal action to Lord Kelvin’s “Thunderstorm” by pumping up rather than falling down. The function of the Grey Matter Cells in the Brain, is to Store these electrical charges in what can only be described as a Di-Pole Battery.

There are 4 Charge ‘phases’ of ‘electricity’, ++, +-, -+, -- to Charge Up one’s battery. Similar to the 4 ‘elements’ of earth, water, wind and fire where each ‘element’, like any ‘water’ in a JoeCell, can go through 4 Phases or Stages as its charged Up. It will cycle through the 4 stages or “Formats” and then repeat. This Charge Up scale was called ‘stages’ in JoeCell videos and everyone was told they needed a Stage 3 ‘breeder’ Cell to run a car. Alex just didn’t understand these 4 Phases of Matter, as to him it was just ‘orgone’ energy, when he wrote the Experimenters Guide to the JoeCell. He felt his ‘Alternate’ science understanding was better than Joe’s practical experiences and all failed under Alex’s tutorial ‘guide’.

Manly P. Hall said, "There are two great systems in the body of man:

1. Tree of Life, which is the arterial with its roots in the heart.

2. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, i.e. the nervous system, which has its roots in the brain."

Paracelsus considered “BLOOD to be the Condensation of Light”. To elaborate this consideration, we see that Sunlight and water, by either photo synthesis in plants or Bio Electrically in ‘humans’, create Iron as Haemoglobin in our bone marrow, or within an ocean Microbe. Smelting is purifying this iron which is ‘condensing Light frequencies’ in Paracelsus’ Alchemical terms. The ‘element’ we know as ‘iron’, is all biological in origin.

I would venture to say... that “silly equations”, and "Electron Spin" have stifled man's ability to See what it is, in the Mirror.

This 3rd Eye blindness to the Wave Forms that surround 'everything', has given rise to all kinds of silly theories and a total failure to Understand NATURE and Its Laws. And here we are, endless debating over what this Over Unity is, and some Law of Thermo-Dynamics that cant be broken, when we ARE an Over Unity Aetheric Energy Being created by Heavenly Forces.

Politics, Religion and ‘science’ and how we got ourselves into this mess.

Politics is about people debating the Laws we live under.

Religion is people living under agreed upon Customs. Debating these agreed upon customary beliefs is Politics. Science is to question everything. Nothing is a given until proved to oneself.

The problem arises when the Law tries to change Customs or Common Law with so called Settled Science. One does not need a ‘deity’ or a figure head for a Belief in Common Customs to impose changes to the Law. Believing in such things is a matter of personal choice and no one likes intrusive forces in decision making (mandates). Religious Customs can embody Common Law and inalienable rights stemming from the belief we are a part of a Creation either divinely or from a ‘swamp’ if thats our ‘science’. Our new Priests of Religion are called ‘scientists’ and the new custom to Trust them or be labelled a ‘Science Denier’ is coercion to conform to the new ‘religion’. Here we think for ourselves and Question Everything as our ‘science’.

I See a Perfect machine like Tesla did in our human body. No ‘trusting the science’ can improve the Human Machine as an experiment. We try to make machines to duplicate the Filtering process of the Kidneys using Particle size rather than Charge, polarity or Frequency factors. We do this because the magnetics of Life is NOT understood by the Priests of Science and in my opinion, purposely left out as in ‘electricity’ being ‘banned’ in Medical treatments since about 1920.

So we make coils of copper and charged lumps of iron to duplicate the Rotating Magnetic Fields of Blood Flows without ever understanding Teslas’ Greatest Discovery of Rotating Magnetic Fields within all Life. Tesla’s “mechanical contraption” created Life Force Energy in near unlimited abundance from his beloved Aether as a Scalar wave. Modern “contraptions” can be described as a Smart Drive, radial, multi Phased Generator/Motor in one for those with eyes to See. Such a contraption only requires the addition of a battery and a load to replace the brain and muscles where the coils are wired as an Infinity Loop.

Our Lungs operating mechanism is by Magnetic Inductive Fields that Charge Up or Re-Magnetize our Rechargeable iron Batteries or Red Blood Cells travelling in an Infinity Loop or rotating magnetic Field. The Grey Matter/brain is a di-pole battery for storage of vibrational energy. The Nervous system is the electrical conduits to our Motors and Muscles. Water is literally Liquid Electricity or the Lubricant of Life. Waters ‘atomic’ structure is a 4 sided Light Crystal Structure with 4 ‘elemental states’. Solid, liquid, gas and fire. The Earth is a giant spherical JoeCell ‘Tube Cell’. Electrical Light Frequency from the Sun, Charges Up the Atmospheric Layers like a ‘fluoro’ tube. The sky or atmosphere is Blue because Ice is blue, water is blue, and flame is blue so it follows the Element Wind is blue. The grass is green because it’s the Vibration reflected from the grass. We cannot see light, only its reflection.

An Alchemist understands the Hermes Trismegistus teachings of; The First Law is the Universe Is Mental as Emoto’s experiments prove this to be true and that water is a liquid crystal. We are distracted by the Controlled opposition from the EU people who label everything we DON’T KNOW about water as Structured Water. This will end with the burial of the ‘electron’. To understand planetary CRUDE OIL , as STRUCTURED WATER and how to structure water with Direct Current or Pressure by Vibrations in Tesla speak, Joe does it with Battery current applied to a Magnetic Field Generating Antenna here. https://rumble.com/vhodfb-full-unedited-version-of-oil-from-water..html and here https://rumble.com/vh9sd3-water-into-oil-second-camera-view.html

The highly inflamable  'oil' as "Structered Water" by applying a South Pole as a Mono Pole Magnetic Field to the potable water in a JoeCell.




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