What is a "Joe Cell".
Joe would answer that with; 'It changes the Memory of Water'.
Memory is held within Magnetics. The JoeCell utilizes several Method Designs with it's Concentric Tube designs he calls a TubeCell. The Neutral Plates Pattern is the Mechanism for generating a Magnetic Field using the water as like the 'iron core' in an electro-magnet but its a Water Core instead. The 'electrical current' has to pass through these Neutral Plates to form the 'circuit' and in doing so, it 'electrifies' or 'magnetizes' the Non Magnetic Steel for only the period the current is present.
Depending upon the electrode placement, determines the Central Neutral Magnetic Bias or that this Hydro-Electro Magnet can be as a Singular Field Effect of either Polarity as a Mono Pole Field.
There are 4 distinct Field Effects on the water in the Cell depending upon which 'tuned' position is connected. Originally it was published that the connection of Negative electrode was at the bottom of the Cell where the inner tube protruded. The Positive electrode connecting to the outside at the top of the Cell. This is but ONE way, of 4 "tuned" ways for electrode placement, giving 4 distinct effects on the water in the Cell. It represents the 4 Phases of electricity or 'magnetism' and is a prelude to understanding the 4 Elemental States of Matter where the Aether or Quintessence governs the 'interactions' of the 4 'Elements' as to the Physics of Alchemy.
This Operating Procedure for the JoeCell, of 4 distinct ways to connect a Battery to the JoeCell is NEVER mentioned nor understood by any other site and is NOT mentiond in the Experimenters Guide either. This is the PROOF they know not what they are talking about when commenting on a JoeCell or advising how to replicate a very difficult experiment to make a Mono North Pole Frequency to activate Wind by contact. The 3rd Elemental State of Matter or WIND is what is desired or WILLED by Mind Control as per The Universe is Mental as the Cell is being Charged Up. Not only is this real Alchemy, but a JoeCell represents the only science to make the Alchemists PANACEA. An "Idea" I took to Market as the 7 Ringed Array or BEFE unit.
Experimenters knew this Published electrode placement and Programming the Cell as Stage 3. Where WIND was the Elemental Frequency State being Charged Up. Joe wanted to effect the Wind going into the motor to Implode with North Pole Mono Field Frequencies. Implosion Technology as Cold Fusion. All applications for the JoeCell with a North Pole Neutral Centre sees the 'apparatus' or engine run quite COLD. The Implosion Frequencies wiithin the water in the Cell transfers to the apparatus or Interal Combustion Engine too condense the WIND to WATER as the Wind Implodes creating a vacuum. Nature allows us to see these North Pole Frequencies imploding the atmosphere as rain. This is the Atmospheric Mechanism of WIND.
South Pole Positie Energy frequencies are 'Hot Fusion'.
There is no electrolysis and there is no consumption of the Water in the Cell as its the storage medium for Vibrational Frequencies. Similar to the Stored Frequencies in the Acid within a Battery.
It began in early 1992 with Joe and some friends taking 316L stainless steel and making a "Cell" and applying DC electricity to said Cell and hooking the Cell to a cars engine. The unexpected result was it ran now without the petrol or gasoline being required. It required the engine's ignition spark to be advanced to the impossible setting of 70 degress before top ded centre. Approx 4 hours after the first JoeCell powered up this car, Peter came back at 3 am and borrowed the Cell off Joe's car and took it to the world without ever knowing what made it "work". Alex was so sure it was 'orgone' that he too ignored the Alchemy of a Stage 3 Cell to cause Implosion in Wind. Sending ALL experimenters into extreme frustration with the lack of Intellectual IP from Joe. For Alex, it was Orgone and nothing about Magnetics or the Direct Magnetic Current we call electricity that MADE IT WORK. Russellian Compression Science it was NOT, thought Alex who was frequency short in the orgone box.
This is JoeCell North Pole Imploson Science. This is the forbidden Cold Fusion battery science they cancel ones Life over. By YOU not being told correctly 33 odd years ago, we can now let the cat out of the bag.
Over the next couple of years, Joe built several different configurations of 316L stainless steel Cell "arrays" and some were placed into a containers that were either sealed or open vats. Representing In-Line Cells and Batch Cells. Some were hooked up to cars and the video evidence has found its way onto the internet. Some were made for electricity generation, others for welding and others produced phenomena not supposed to happen. Many dozens of people eye witnessed some of these quite phenomenal displays of water science experiments leading to the world knowing of the JoeCell. Of all the uses and applications from the 16 actions or 'prodcts' from the Water with Direct Current, it is sad the world only ever heard of the one that made Wind Implode inside an internal combustion engine, when sparked with Fire. We see this during a thunderstorm.
Joe has built many devices based on this Field Science of Water. No two "Cells" have been the same. Even the "Cell" such as the "Tube Cell", the DC current can be applied many different ways and each different power hook up produces a different "field" effect charge or memory change. Most Joe Cell experimenters only know of one blueprint for Cell construction and this involves "tubes" and manuals exist even (not from Joe though) to proclaim this construction design is how to make a car run on water.
A Joe Cell has nothing to do with electrolysis. Joe uses Magnetic Current to generate Magnetic Fields as per a Formatted Design or Controlled outcome.
The Joe Cell does NOT produce hydrogen and oxygen.
In Joe's own words..........
'The Cells in their many configurations are designed to impart ‘memories’ or ‘frequencies’ to the water. Water can be ‘Taylor Made’ to meet specific requirements. The Joe cell is a “frequency generator” and "puts the water back into order".