The Science
The Field Science of Elemental Water
The Water Mystery of the JoeCell
By Lynn Eykamp
From the
mists of time, the origin of life, creation and knowledge has been given to us in
but glimpses for only those with eyes to see by the divinely inspired. The
earliest beliefs for the origins of life given to Biblical man is Genesis 1 verse
6, where it says; “let…a firmament...separate the waters from the waters”. As
from water comes all life as we know it. Firmament is likened to the Format of
water. This Format of water is how we define all the water frequencies or ‘elements’.
(the first philosopher) was born in the city of Miletus around the mid-620s BC.
Miletus was an ancient Greek Ionian city on the western coast of Asia Minor (in
what is today Aydin Province of Turkey), near the mouth of the Maeander
River. Thales was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from Miletus
in Asia Minor, and one of the Seven Sages of Greece. Many, most
notably Aristotle, regard him as the first philosopher in the Greek
tradition. According to Bertrand Russell, "Western philosophy begins
with Thales." Thales' most famous belief was his cosmological thesis,
which held that the world started from water. "Water constituted
(ὑπεστήσατο, 'stood under') the principle of all things." Or simply put,
everything is water.
who is the preferred ‘inventor’ of the ‘atom’ by historians, would have studied
Thales as Democritus came some 200 years later. He said the Atom was the
smallest part of matter. Was he referring to the energy construct of matter (water)
rather than particles?
went on to apply his method to objects that changed to become other objects,
such as water into earth. Thales addressed the changing topic, approaching it
through lodestone and amber, which, when electrified by rubbing together, also
attracts. It is noteworthy that the first particle known to carry electric
charge, the electron, is named for the Greek word for amber, ήλεκτρον
(ēlektron). Thales knew magnetism and
electricity was all that was required to understand everything is Water. Thales
was also a Hylozoist (those who think matter is alive) this is an
important point in understanding how the mind/health of the experimenter can
affect the outcome, akin to applied thoughts such as prayer in Emoto’s water
Metaphysics of Water today.
The word
"metaphysics" derives from the Greek words μετά
(metá) ("beyond",
"upon" or "after") and φυσικά (physiká)
("physics"). It is this interpretation of the word which Aristotle
also considered the word usage to be "the books that come after the [books
on] physics". (Wiki ‘metaphysics’)
And from
the man who literally invented the 20th century, “If you want to
find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and
vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla who also said “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make
more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its
existence.” It is sad that these two great ideas have been buried by ‘particle
There are
other sources to consider in our metaphysical study of water. Walter Russel has
writings which preclude particles in the atomic structure. Viktor Schauberger saw
and wrote of the mysteries of water. The consciousness and intent of Dr. Masaru
Emoto, whose work on thoughts and prayer affecting water crystal structures
still draws skepticism today. The highly criticized ‘water has memory’ of
Homeopathy which claims to stimulate the body’s own healing response to disease
using highly diluted preparations (potentising) questions the very atomic
structure of water. Homeopaths claim to treat the symptoms of a wide range of
illnesses is another aspect of what constitutes metaphysical studies on water
after the “scientists” have finished their presentations. A more comprehensive
look at the Electric Universe theory is a metaphysical approach using Tesla’s
“everything is energy (electricity) frequency and vibration” Which MUST have at
its heart a FORMAT of energy to build upon. Tesla also believed in the Aether
or energy matrix that is the fabric of space of the entire universe which all
matter rests upon. Einstein rejected the Aether for curved space. For a comprehensive
list of sources on the “Aether” see http://www.mountainman.com.au/aetherqr.htm as Joe
builds Cells and devices that incorporate this ‘sea of energy’ Tesla spoke about.
There are
repeatable procedures and experiments to conduct which border on Tesla’s “non-physical phenomena” which must be
considered along with the two electrode experiment to “split” water into “two components”.
To this “after physics” studies I present the following information.
Metaphysical Theory of Element Water.
understand this concept more easily, the conceptual theory of the existence of
Protons, Neutrons and Electrons as the fundamental building blocks of “matter”
needs to be viewed for what it is, namely just a theory. That is, the periodic
table of the theory of elements may be a total fabrication to use in any explanation
of the observable experiments conducted in Joe’s workshop.
“invention” of the electron has two claiming the award; George Stoney and JJ
Thompson. Now we don’t deny the existence of charged particles of energy, we do
object to them belonging to the shell of an “atom” and it being the only
component in an electrical discharge from batteries to a Tesla coil to
discovery of the mysterious radiation in question was neutral due to the fact
that it was not affected by proximity to a magnetic field and unlike standard
gamma radiation, did not invoke the photoelectric effect (when photons, such as
gamma rays, strike certain surfaces, they discharge electrons, which can be simply
measured), but rather discharged protons, which meant that the particles had to
be more massive than previously expected and this doesn’t prove they are part
of an “atom”. It proves one can make energy particles of all sorts and give
them fancy names. Ions, isotopes, electrons, neutrons or protons which was
refined even further in the 1960’s in the science known as Quantum
Chromodynamics, which espoused a quark-based theory of the nucleus.
fundamental procedure of making a table of ‘elements’ according to their weight
in their natural state at sea level, and then allocating protons, electrons and
neutrons to give this “element” a weight and thus a number, may be flawed. This
will be looked at more closely later but it must be said that in the pursuit of
science there are elements that only exist or are postulated thus invented to
be in their “natural” state for a few milliseconds in a laboratory, all in the
name of a theory - the Atomic Theory.
What if
there exists evidence that - the present concept of the atomic structure
of matter needs to be re-evaluated?
What if “Man
only tends to believe that which his imagination can devise an apparatus to
What if
an inventor devises many an apparatus to redefine the understandings of the atomic
structure theory?
What if
you could study his inventions for a day, a week or forever?
Alchemy as Metaphysical studies of Water
is the precursor of modern “chemistry’. A fundamental power shift in the middle
ages resulted in a ‘priestly’ class of wise men and women in the healing arts
and other “non-physical phenomena”
(Tesla) being ostracised by the
religious ruling class of Rome denouncing
such Arts as bad. With this eradication of traditional healing and non physical arts, Church man had to
begin again to understand his world around him under the control of flat
earthers and sun revolves around the earthers.
Thus a
new learned man, a ‘scientist’ or ‘chemist’ emerged from this fundamental power
shift in the Middle Ages and attempted to do with ‘chemical compounds’ what was
once considered mythological or magic. Thus was born Chemistry and Physics, the
art of understanding the science of matter.
contend that the modern scientist in their zeal to understand their world
around them rejected the old beliefs and embarked upon a quest of discovery, by
assuming that everything is made up of ‘particles’ instead of an ‘energy
field’. Scientist man needed to feel, see, taste and touch and measure his
world in sizes.
And so
“particle science” was invented with man ‘discovering’ ever decreasing smaller
particles and his attempt to understand their meanings and relationships
eventually gave birth to ‘the theory of the atom’.
contend that this ‘particle science’ is fundamentally flawed and offer a better
science to understand Tesla’s “everything is energy, frequency and vibration”
and Thales “everything is water”.
How we came to the conclusion that Water is Field
The Science of Everything as an Energy Field with
Frequency and Vibration.
contend there are no atoms consisting of a nucleus of protons or electrons. Particles
can come in all shapes, sizes and charges.
So what then are the building blocks of “matter” or what constitutes the
construct of what we feel as objects or see as energy manifestations? If tiny
bits of solid ‘matter’ don’t make up an atom, what is or why would an atom exist?
The answer in a nut shell is that it doesn’t.
everything is energy, frequency and vibration then such a parcel of “energy”
however small or large, exhibits a “field effect” with its “field pattern” and
its specific ‘charge’. Elements, compounds and chemical concoctions are but a
product of one parcel of energy “field pattern’ reacting either in harmony or
in friction with another parcel of energy or “field pattern”. A parcel of
energy may be smaller than the theoretical Quark or larger than our Sun. A snow
flake is a field pattern of magnetic energy as is a galaxy a field pattern of
energy. We call any parcel of energy or format of energy a “Magnetic Resonant
Field” pattern or MRF.
separates one MRF pattern (element/compound) from another is the frequency and
vibration of the energy field of that parcel of energy. This gives rise to the
concept of everything has its own Magnetic Resonant Frequency Field Pattern.
Particle science only exists because science hasn’t studied the nature of
magnetic fields and their effects on energy fields we call matter. Magnetics
are only studied for metered power, communications and weaponry.
One way
to feel the difference between
magnetic fields is to put a wall charger into the AC wall socket and turn it
on. Then alternately hold a ferrite and neodymium magnet close to the charger
and feel the differing magnetic field
interactions. Science has NO explanation for this effect. I doubt if its been
done in a scientific setting. This is non-physical
Joe has
many times taken 4 magnets and placed them on the table and without lifting
them from the table moved them in a circular motion and they LOSE their magnetism
whereupon he then swirls them around again they regain it. Again non-physical phenomena.
There are
a host of new concepts and fields of endeavours to understand magnetism and its
most readily made form of energy, electricity. Electricity is made with moving
magnetic fields past a copper or similar collector. Electricity as we use it in
the home is only magnetic energy transported from the magnets via copper wires
to a remote place to do the work of magnets. For this to be true, permanent magnets
are best described as “collectors” of Aether energies. Able to collect energy
from the sea of energy that surrounds us. It aint electrons Jim, but its energy
not as we know it.
No one
has yet explained why there existed in the Bagdad Museum before Gulf War1
several “Baghdad Batteries” dating to over 2000 years old. This Ancient art of
studying non physical phenomena is
taught today as getting electricity out of a lemon. So there must be a link
between magnetism, electricity and life force energy and non physical phenomena.
In the
experiment where magnets are placed next to worm farms and the poles have
effects on how close and how far they live from the magnet it follows that if
magnets properly placed on organic life can show beneficial effects or
alternatively, improperly placed on organic life, a killing effect, then it
follows that electricity (created by magnets) can kill, then in their being an
equal and opposite to everything, electricity can heal. The human bio energy
field can be affected by magnets and electricity. We need to change our focus
from an electric chair to an electromagnetic bio-energy healing field. Sort of
like pumping energy back into the lemon or a human battery charger. There are
those who claim Extra Sensory abilities after being struck by lightning.
inventions have been available to the public that utilize this Electricity can
heal principle. The SilveJoe Cell and the Spherical array known as the Q Energy
Spa or Aqua Chi. An experimental upgrade known as the ‘Hand Cell’ (see pictures
on joecellwaterscience.com) was specially designed by Joe for experimental
purposes as the “miraculous” healing results of the others are well known in
their 17 year history of usage.
hasn’t been properly studied by physicists is the action of magnetic fields on
“elements/compounds” or fluid (water) dynamics. Some researchers have placed
magnets on water pipes to find the “calcium’ or similar deposits inside the
water pipes magically disappear, or water flowing through such magnetic pipes
have a visible benefit on organic plant life such as healthier, freer of
disease or greater longevity.
In late
2010 L. Montagnier, J. Aissa, E. Del Giudice, C. Lavallee, A. Tedeschi, and G.
Vitiello published a paper which could loosely be described as ‘DNA
Teleportation’. Where an electromagnetic
field can be induced by suitable procedures in water dilutions which become
able to propagate the information contained in the DNA of the original
organisms to other ones. This is one practical application of “Field Science”
to bio-electrical energy. An email to vitiello@sa.infn.it on the 12th
April, 2011 whereby I described a better “Field generator” designed for “cross
germination of seeds” conducted back in 1999 went unanswered. Cant have dialogue
and seek a Noble at the same time.
This is
far more exciting than gene modification using BACTERIA as the gene splicing
vector resulting is worthless gene stock plants after 5 generations (unless GMO’s
were designed to be terminator genes)
This is
Field Science; it’s a newer concept to the obsolete “particle science” which
has ruled the institutions of learned men for 100’s of years. Creative Field
Science of magnetic fields on ‘matter’ and “life” is INFINITLY better than the destructive
forces (of bacteria). On the other end of the scale, Scientists used the
world's biggest particle smashing machine, the £2.6 billion Large Hadron
Collider on the Swiss-French border, to track down the missing (God) particle
known as Higgs boson.
The boson
is believed to give matter mass via an associated 'Higgs field' that permeates
space. (Aether?) Without the property of mass, the universe we live in could
not exist. Is this “God particle” an extension of Hylozoist philosophy,
as in ‘matter is alive’? The capture of the most wanted sub-atomic particle in
physics today was named as Science journal's ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ (2012)
- or was it? "All matter comes from a primary substance, the “luminiferous aether,"
stated Nikola Tesla. Thales said
“life is in everything”.
Life is
in Everything
present understanding of “Field Science” is ignored at best and ridiculed at
worst. To water seedlings with Microwaved water will see the gradual demise of
the plant. To live under high voltage power transmission lines is not wise but
scientific consensus denies any wrong doing. Their particle science denies any
harmful field effect is imparted by their “approved” method of supplying
particle energy to your door or food. It’s just electrons after all. But we all
know of the rumours of the electromagnetic fields from monitors and power lines
and how it affects living organisms and mobile phones and ear cancers. This is
field science. Particle science would state electrons are escaping from the
power lines and radiating you but we don’t have a health meter so its not a
problem ok?
science of energy fields interacting with energy fields is all around you. It’s
even within you. With this concept of Field Science, there are newer ways to
look at the biological function of the lungs, intestines and organs and how
they extract “energy” out of the air and food and the resultant energy use by
the body preforming its repair, wear and tear functions. With Field Science the
first commercially available “Bio Electric Field Enhancement” unit was built in
1996 for the ‘benefit’ of that which ails the human condition. It was based on a
Joe Cell for generating a bio-electric magnetic field memory in water.
This first commercialized device based on the Field Science of Element
Water was the Q-Tech Laboratories Bio-Electrical Field Enhancement (BEFE) unit
of which the first one was built on Lynn Eykamp’s farm in Australia in 1997
based upon designs from Joe in 1996. It was a different cell format but similar
to a device by Joe Booker referred to as a Joe Cell. The Joe Cell inspired Lynn
to start the company and as venture capitalist directed the company’s resources
to find a design more suitable for commercialization in health and healing.
The BEFE unit under certain conditions of use turned the water into a
clear ‘oil’.
And from;
(venusproject.org) we have to question particle science, the existence of
‘elements’ and the accepted theory of atomic structure.
atomic elements or making elements appear mysteriously? It sounds like
impossible alchemy, but experimenters recently did this, without Big Science
particle accelerators. These scientists learned from a metaphysician, Walter
Russell (1871-1963).
professional engineers Ron Kovac and Toby Grotz of Colorado, with help from Dr.
Tim Binder, repeated Russell's 1927 work, which was verified at the time by
Westinghouse Laboratories. Russell found a novel way to change the ratio of
hydrogen to oxygen in water vapor inside a sealed quartz tube, or to change the
vapor to completely different elements. Their conclusion agrees with Russell:
the geometry of motion in space is important in atomic transmutation. Kovac
shorthand’s that idea to geometry of space-bending.
modern shape-shifters speak of Russell's feats such as prolate or oblate the
oxygen nucleus into nitrogen or hydrogen or vice versa. To change nuclei, they change
the shape of a magnetic field (emphasis mine). Although they used expensive analysing
equipment, it is basically tabletop science. No atom-smashing cyclotron needed;
just a gentle nudge using the right frequencies. Focus and un-focus
light-motion creates a vortex and controls it.… We might add ‘separate the waters from the waters’ with a firmament. (biblical
“science” (the observation, identification, description, experimental
investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena) has failed in its
explanation of its “theories”. The mere mention of the word “transmutation”
invites “science” ridicule. Perhaps Mother Nature didn’t know this when she
transmuted carbon from a tree into a petrified rock. Transmutation is
synonymous with Alchemy. Our atomic model must take into account all known
phenomena even that which is written in stone.
It’s time
to revise what the amateur, eccentric
English millionaire, Henry Cavendish did. Henry added the clue, “element hydrogen”,
and proved (hypothesised) that water was not an element after all, but a
compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Walter Russel, Kovac and Grotz as do we,
agree, Cavendish needs revision.
The Alchemy of Element Water.
A new concept of the atomic
structure of matter.
Alchemy is the
“science of life”. To understand alchemy is to understand all of life, energy
and matter. Alchemy has been described by modern Alchemists such as Fulcanelli
as the “field of force”. Alchemy can more aptly be referred to as “Field
The energy field that comprises any parcel of “matter” no matter how
small or large is defined by its “Magnetic Resonant Field pattern” or MRF.
The snowflake being the most visually identifiable representation of a small
parcel of energy, going from its gaseous state to a solid state and “freezing”
or mirroring its MRF pattern in the process.
The energy field of the experimenter, the environment and any observers
within the field of the experiment affect dramatically the alchemy being
experimented, as does the surrounding atmosphere, thus, the individuality of
the snowflake.
We make the assertion that everything is Water - Element Water. Its
structure can give rise to all the compounds by change(ing)
the shape of a magnetic field. And the equal and opposite is true, everything can
revert to liquid potable drinking water by change(ing) the shape of a magnetic field.
A Graphical Concept of an Energy Parcel of Matter.
To give a visual concept of a parcel of matter (the MRF of a small
parcel of water the size of an imaginary theoretical atom) view in your mind’s
eye a plasma ball, like the one you place your hand on at science fairs.
Approximately 1.4 million “lightning strikes” emanating from a central point
constitutes the MRF pattern of such a size of water parcel. When such a parcel
of water vapor freezes it forms the MRF pattern as the “snowflake”. This is the
basic 18 sided MRF crystalline structure of all there is.
What separates one water compound/element from another is its MRF
pattern. Some MRF patterns are more stable than others and act like “elements”.
There is a formula or mathematical basis along with concepts, which or whereby,
energy patterns manifest and there are laws governing their interactions (this
introduction is not the place to give the complete explanation, see Other Writings
Of Element Water).
A simplified visual representation of the MRF pattern of Silver, Lead
and Zinc, for example, which is usually found in the same ore body, has near
identical MRF patterns with basically just the extremities of the
‘kaleidoscope’ MRF patterns being different. Thus in a more correct Periodic
Table of Stablised Magnetic Field Patterns, Silver, Lead and Zinc are next to
each other.
Changing the MRF Patterns Water To and From
These MRF patterns of elements/compounds when dissolved in water can be
changed, modified or eliminated by applied magnetic fields. The Global MRF
pattern of potable or drinking water can “yield” elements or compounds again by
the application of specific magnetic fields or to say it another way;
dirty/toxic water can be cleaned up or clean water can be made into crude
compounds. In much the same way as spring water can come out of the top of a
mountain as quite pure, while under the ground the earth’s magnetic fields
combined with the layers of strata make ‘abiotic’ oil. As everything is water
it follows that oil is made from water by an electro-magnetic field applied to
it. Laboratory experiments have proven this.
The JoeCell Devices that Change the MRF Patterns of Energy Parcels of
The Joe Cell is a very much miss-understood device, which is mostly
known only for its ability to alter the functionality of an internal combustion
engine. Those who have attempted to duplicate the device did not understand the
energy format of Element Water and most mistake the Joe Cell for an
electrolysis machine or hydrogen production cell. Nothing could be further from
the truth. The Joe Cells, in their many forms, are magnetic field generators
each with a specific design parameter to impart a permanent “memory field” in
The shape of the apparatus for magnetic field generation changes the
frequency of the memory field imparted in the water. Be it rings as in the BEFE
unit or concentric cylinders or 316
stainless tubes of the Joe Cell or coils, spirals, stacked plates with or
without ‘neutral plates’, how the electricity is connected, or the alignment of
the plates to each other. Each item in any magnetic field generation device
e.g. tube, cone, rod, cylinder, ring, housing, spacers, everything in fact,
will have a ‘north’ and a ‘south’ pole or magnetic field and their placement
against each other effects the ‘field’ generated. It is this misunderstanding
of ‘field science’ that sees the experimenter of the Joe Cell becoming
frustrated at “bubble watching”.
It is not the intention of this missive to expand on how to make a Joe
Cell work, or build one. The intention
is to open the experimenter to the metaphysics of Water after the Hydrogen and
Oxygen fuel cell hunters have gone home.
Joe has built a number of Cells that can be used as a water purification
device. One such device is designed so a set of used cones from a milk separator
are positioned inside an old fire extinguisher. It has insulated electrical
leads connected to 3 of the 9 cones and liquids can be pumped through the apparatus
while it is powered up. This device can have almost any liquid pumped through
it from raw sewerage, sea water, acid mine waste to used engine oil and it
exits the cell as pure fresh drinking water. The 20 liter sized cell can treat
millions of gallons without degradation and NO byproducts. Just industrial
waste in and fresh water out.
Another Joe Cell consisting of 4 concentric Stainless Steel cylinders
inside one another hooked up to DC current, will turn fresh water into pure
Saudi like crude and if left to dry out becomes coal. If that isn’t remarkable
enough another muffler device with just magnets around the pipe will do the
same, both purify the liquid or dirty (into oil) the liquid depending upon the
orientation of the magnetics.
No theory that has protons in a nucleus with electrons combined together
with some ‘bonds’ can explain desalination and oil production with just
magnets. After literally 1000’s of these type of experiments and dozens of
varying inventions, we don’t have time for discussion that Water is H2O.
Hydrogen as science explains it, does not exist. What exists, and it’s the same
for all the “elements” is Hydrogen is water vapor with an interesting MRF
pattern given to it by DC Cathode. Oxygen is water vapor given an excess energy
formatted MRF by DC anode.
Desalination and crude oil production (two processes that the earths
magnetic fields do to underground water) in a JoeCell device where the salts literally
disappear, (in one experiment fresh concrete was pumped through a cell to
emerge as fresh drinking water the other end) cannot be explained by the
present Atomic Theory.
So We State
As there is no Hydrogen as an ‘element’ with no protons, neutrons or
electrons making an “atom” to combine with other non-existent oxygen ‘atoms’ to
make water, then how do we understand what is happening in an Internal
Combustion Engine (ICE) using petroleum based fluids or in the lungs of a
mammal or fluid purification in a JoeCell?
standard particle science view... The petroleum combines
with fresh air and the ignition spark ignites the petrol to burn in the
presence of oxygen causing an exothermic reaction which expands the nitrogen
and pushes the piston down. The hydrocarbon fuel combines with oxygen to
release energy and carbon monoxide gas as the two major by products.
Element Water view… 85% of the Atmosphere
(nitrogen) is water vapor with a “neutral” charge. 14% of the Atmosphere
(oxygen) has available energy to release. Approx. 1% (carbon dioxide) is
discharged air which is being recharged by the earth’s magnetic field on a
continual basis. The petroleum is a catalyst whereby it provides the frequency
to the air, when fuel injected or vapourised for the release of the energy
available in ‘oxygen’. Which is an exothermic reaction expanding the matrices
(MRF patterns) of surrounding vapors. Once the frequency has been used the air
exhausts as energy depleted water vapor (‘carbon monoxide’). The ICE is a
frequency device based on energy transfer.
How a JoeCell runs a car.
When the Joe Cell is connected to a blind bolt for the transference of a
water generated magnetic memory field which charges the metals of the ICE, so
it takes on the frequency which was imparted to the memory of the water in the
Joe Cell (“aluminium being very receptive to ‘charging’) the water vapor (air)
being drawn into the ICE being magnetically charged by the metals of the ICE
needs no petroleum catalyst to release the energy from the water vapor
(‘oxygen’) being ‘sparked’ in the cylinder. The energy release is an
endothermic reaction so the piston is “sucked up” and runs cold. Thus, the
advancing of the timing by up to 70 degrees BTDC.
Charging or charged air (water vapor) in this ICE viewpoint is imparting
a magnetic memory to the water vapor or the air entering the intake manifold by
the action of the Joe Cell charging or imparting a magnetic memory to the
entire metallurgy of the ICE.
The same goes for the Lungs. The energy is extracted/absorbed out of the
water vapor we call atmosphere in the lungs by the blood which circulates close
to the surface of the interior linings of the lung. The exhausted water vapor
now has less energy and has the frequency of ‘carbon dioxide’. The blood now
re-energised, has energy to distribute around the body (everything is energy,
frequency and vibration). We breathe for energy (prana or chi). We eat for
energy (prana or chi) and with the invention of the magnetic/electro energized
plates in water we can now bathe for energy. With more energy, biological
functions can operate at greater efficiency.
The action of magnets around a pipe to purify water can be likened to;
Tesla made AC electricity out of magnets which when carried down wires does the
work of magnets at distance. Joe has removed the need to use magnets for
electricity generation and wires to just
position magnets to do the required work In Situ.
More Examples of Nature’s
Field Science.
We live in a sea of energy, the Aether. Its life force permeates
everything. We understand it as a magnetic energy field. Our most immediate
energy is the earth’s magnetic field charging the water vapor surrounding our
water planet. It is augmented and sustained by the sun. Electricity is magnetic
energy. For this reason the older ‘hydrogen into helium’ thermonuclear reaction
of the sun, which was theorized after the hydrogen Bomb as this was the only
known source of such temperatures, is slowly being replaced by the “Electric Universe’
theory. Until the old proponents of such an outdated Hydrogen Sun theory die,
will the students of metaphysics learn they have better evidence to formulate
the theories on the construct of the universe. It’s time to relegate them to
their imaginary black holes, the dark matter of their minds and other elements
of their imagination.
Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author and entrepreneur best known for his
claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of
water. Emoto's
hypothesis has evolved over the years of his research. Emoto believed that
water takes on the resonance of the energy in which is directed at it (Wikipedia) just as you can stare at someone from behind and they will
turn around and look at you; so too does a vessel of water react to the power
of thought, prayer, spells, wishes and blessings (holy water). Emoto showed
this by taking before and after pictures of the crystalline structure of water,
much like a perfect snowflake pattern verses a blob like crystal when one
concentrates with a specific intent like ‘love’ over a vessel of water. We need
positive thoughts and the investigation of all the phenomena surrounding this
Water science. We must understand the concept that water has memory and energy,
to overcome a mindset of “treating” not curing sickness because it’s more
The Emoto water crystal thesis is the “life within” water reacting to
projected energies from another life force. This life force energy aspect of
magnetic field generators imparting memory to water like the Joe Cell is why
some refer to the operation of the Joe Cell as being dependent or adversely
affected by the health and thoughts of the experimenter or bystanders. It also
explains why the BEFE unit has some remarkable healing testimonies. A Joe Cell
constructed to purify water also creates life force energies which have
remarkable effects on the health of bystanders.
Once it is understood that a “magnetic field memory” can be permanently
or temporarily imparted to water, and that the resultant “charged” water has
unique properties specific to the format of the magnetic field imparted as
determined by the shape of the device, one can experiment with all sorts of
sizes, shapes and metallurgy of magnetic field generation devices. Every field
of human endeavor can be experimented on.
We are presently focused on waste and environmental issues and have Joe
Cells for enhancement of plant life and the health of organic life.
For the actual energy construct of Water as an energy format see;
Other Writings of Element Water.
write. June 2013 Must be quoted with link to original.
Please ask permission first.