Understanding Health, Healing, Biology & Vitality with Field Science.
The action of Bio-Energy Field Enhancement and alternative biological theory with consumption of SilverJoe
Cell water.
From neurosciencestuff.tumblr
Your body contains a separate nervous system that
is so complex it has been dubbed the second brain. It comprises an estimated
500 million neurons – about five times as many as in the brain of a rat – and
is around 9 metres long, stretching from your oesophagus to your anus.
If you look inside the human body, you can’t fail
to notice the brain and its offshoots of nerve cells running along the spinal
cord. The ENS, a widely distributed network of neurons spread throughout two
layers of gut tissue, is far less obvious, which is why it wasn’t discovered
until the mid-19th century. It is part of the autonomic nervous system, the
network of peripheral nerves that control visceral functions.
This “second
brain” is a mystery and like the function of the lungs biologists have little
understanding as to how it works. Even the name 'second brain' is a clue as to Biological Scientists lack of understanding to its true function.
This 'second brain' acts much
the same way as your lungs in that the lung is a membrane that life force
energy can travel through and energise the red blood cells. The “second brain”
is a nerve fibre mass that collects life force energy from the food we eat. We
dont eat for proteins or carbs etc, we eat for the energy and frequency of life
forces from what is ingested. That is why fresh, natural, organic or raw is advised in a diet for healing as it has natural energy
frequencies. We are an energy
Our Theory
is….. Some people who are “Bio Life Force Energy Deficient” will drink a glass
full of SilveJoe Charged or energised water and they will experience a
‘tingling’ sensation at the back of their throat. We state this is because the nerve
endings (second brain) are being stimulated and energised. The Charged or Bio
Energised SilverJoe water is readily absorbed and immediately available energy formatted
for the continuation of all biological activity within the human body, enabling
a better immune system and biological function.
subjects have reported this “side effect”. Mostly they would be described as
suffering from some form of debilitating ailment or generally in poor health.
One 40+yr
old lady after being given a glass full to drink, experienced this tingling
effect for 3 days after the first glass, but on the next occasion the tingling
lasted only hours and on the 3rd time only 15 minutes. Some people will
experience this to some degree and usually only lasting 15 minutes. These
people should drink lots of SilverJoe water.
Ordinary 2 wire colloidal silver Solution does not have this side benefit
effect. At no time should one consider the Silver solution made by the
SilverJoe Cell to be a diagnostic device or indicative of health status. The
above is provided for serious researchers to further the understanding of
manmade or created Bio-Electric Energies.
Lynn Eykamp